Let us begin again: Eucharistic Congress Day 5

By Br. Tyler Harris, OFM

In celebrating the Eucharist, what we are doing is connected to who we are and who we are becoming. So, while the Eucharistic Congress concluded yesterday, the Eucharistic Revival is only beginning. As we journey home, we are reminded of Francis’ tireless pursuit of Christ. There was always more work and new depths to the gifted relationship with Christ to discover and share with others. In the Eucharist, Francis saw the Word of God continue to become flesh and Christ continue to feed and be present to us in ever-new ways. In the same way, the task of carrying Christ in our hearts and giving birth to Christ through our actions and examples before others will be equally dynamic. This Eucharistic Revival urges us to embrace that holy newness and discover authentic personal ways to embody our Eucharistic Lord so that our very lives may be gifts for others.

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A graphic containing a quote from St. Francis below an image of the stage at the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in front of a large crowd.