A new journey begins: Four men received as postulants

By Eileen Connelly, OSU  

Four faith-filled young men were joyfully received into the postulancy during Mass on Aug. 20 at Holy Name College in Silver Spring, Maryland. Br. Gino Correa, OFM, director of postulancy, presided at the liturgy, assisted by Br. Henry Fulmer, OFM, guardian of the Holy Name College fraternity. Also in attendance to welcome the postulants were other members of the formation team and friars in residence, all of whom serve as mentors to the discerners and brothers from the neighboring St. Camillus Parish.

Postulancy, the initial stage of Franciscan formation, gives aspirants the chance to consider Franciscan life during a residential program of preparation for formal acceptance into the Order. The postulancy program provides an intense orientation to Franciscan community life and prayer, as well as opportunities for ministry.

During the Mass, a letter from Br. Larry Hayes, OFM, Provincial Minister, was read, welcoming the postulants to the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe and drawing from St. Francis's words to affirm the meaning and worth of Franciscan life.   

“The whole underlying idea was that we’re all people on a search,” Br. Gino explained. “These young men are looking for more in their lives.”   

This was followed by the blessing of the Tau crosses, which were then presented to each postulant to represent the journey begun and never-ending. The crosses also reminded us of St. Francis’ saying, “Let us begin again.”  

“These are men who have spent a year, if not more, discerning about coming to us,” Br. Gino said. “They are young but have quite a variety of experience, educationally, professionally and culturally.”  

Four men stand in a room between a couch and a table and in front of an image of a saint.

From left, postulants Carlos Velazquez Estrada, Kevin Fox, Francis Llamas and Aaron Huebert pose for a photo.

Kevin Fox, 24, hails from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and studied at the University of Notre Dame, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology. In addition, he pursued a supplementary major in theology, a double minor in poverty studies and business economics, and a graduate degree in education. Kevin has served as a full-time Catholic Worker in Harrisburg and has extensive work experience in educational settings. He is attracted to the historical St. Francis, who imitated Christ through poverty, contemplation, non-violence and community living.   

A Falls Church, Virginia resident, Francis Llamas, 32, first discovered the friars through a familial connection. He is most attracted to the fellowship of fraternal life and friars’ devotion to God. Francis has worked as a cytogenetic technologist and has advanced through various roles in his field since graduating from George Mason University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in biology. Francis loves music and is skilled in playing the piano and violin. He also has an athletic background in track and field with experience in the long jump, triple jump, 400-meter run and pole vaulting.   

Aaron Huebert, 25, who hails from Moore, Oklahoma, pursued various educational opportunities, completing certification as an emergency medical technician and earning an associate and bachelor’s degree in psychology. He has worked as a high school teacher and Uber driver and served in the military. Aaron is most attracted to the communal aspect of Franciscan life and the friars’ focus on social justice and care for the poor, sick and marginalized.   

Although Carlos Velazquez Estrada, 22, was born in North Carolina. He spent the past year serving as a Franciscan volunteer at St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia. Carlos’ parents immigrated from Mexico, and he was raised in loving, devoted homes. His hobbies include gardening and playing musical instruments. Carlos is especially drawn to Padre Pio, the simplicity and communal living of Franciscan life, and the friars’ close relationship with the poor.   

During the coming year, the postulants will experience what it means to be part of a fraternity, both local and worldwide; participate in various classes ranging from Franciscan and Church history to the vows; deepen their prayer lives, spirituality and relationship with God; and engage in different ministry opportunities, including tending the gardens at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America in Washington, D.C., teaching at a local school and delivering food to elderly neighbors.  

“They will learn what it means to be men of service, preaching the Good News not just in words, but through actions,” Br. Gino said.   

Please pray for our postulants as they continue their discernment.   

Do you know someone who is being called to be a friar? If so, invite them to contact our vocations office.

Six men pose for a picture i a room between a couch and a table and in front of an image of a saint on the wall.

From left, Br. Gino Correa, OFM, director of postulancy, poses with Carlos Velazquez Estrada, Kevin Fox, Francis Llamas, Aaron Huebert, and Br. Henry Fulmer, OFM, guardian of the Holy Name College fraternity.