Welcomed with great joy: Br. John Barker ordained to priesthood
By Eileen Connelly, OSU
Holy Family Church in Oldenburg, Indiana, was filled to capacity on Aug. 23 as Franciscan friars, family members, friends and parishioners gathered for the ordination Mass of Br. John Barker, OFM.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Frank Jasper, OFM)
Joyful strains of “All Creatures of Our God and King” rang out during the entrance procession courtesy of the talented parish choir, and the Knights of St. John and Knights of Columbus provided the honor guard.
In his opening remarks Archbishop Charles E. Thompson, who presided at Br. John’s ordination to the diaconate on Jan. 20, thanked Br. Carl Langenderfer, OFM, outgoing pastor, for his seven years of ministry at the parish and the ways he has exemplified the priesthood; Br. Larry Hayes, OFM, provincial minister of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe for his leadership and the continued Franciscan presence in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis; and Br. John’s mother, Sandra, for the loving care and foundation of faith he received from his family.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
Many members of the Franciscan family joined in celebrating Br. John’s ordination, including the Cincinnati Poor Clare Sisters. Sr. Anna Marie Covely, OSC, served as a lector for the second reading.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
After the Gospel, Br. John was called forth. Br. Larry asked the archbishop to ordain him to the responsibility of the priesthood, testifying to his preparation. After Archbishop Thompson elected Br. John for the Order of the Priesthood, all present affirmed their assent with a round of applause.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
During the homily, Archbishop Thompson noted that priests “must be the first to model what it means to be a synodal Church: able to listen, to dialogue, to respect, to accompany, to encounter one another in a Christ-centered way. We do not form the people in our image, but in the image of Jesus Christ.
“Deacon John, I know you know that very well. I know that the people embrace you because you allow Christ to shine through you to those whom you serve,” he said. “Dear Br. John, the Church rejoices in your courage, your humility and your generosity in committing yourself to the life of ordained priesthood. The Franciscan community, the archdiocese and the people of Holy Family Parish welcome you with great joy."
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
During the Litany of Supplication, the faithful invoked the intercession of the saints on behalf of the candidate and the pilgrim Church on earth, while Br. John prostrated himself — lying face down on the floor before God — in an act of humble prayer.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
Br. John knelt before Archbishop Thompson as he laid his hands on the friar’s head. The laying on of hands is an ancient sign of ordination and the most solemn moment of the ordination rite. The archbishop prayed silently over Br. John for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
The congregation joined in silent prayer for Br. John, after which the priests present, including Provincial Minister Br. Larry Hayes, OFM, laid hands on Br. John. The archbishop then prayed the prayer of ordination aloud.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
The newly ordained Br. John was vested with the priestly stole and chasuble by his fellow friars. Brothers Colin King, OFM, and Provincial Vicar Mark Soehner, OFM, assisted with this meaningful moment.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
Archbishop Thompson anointed Br. John’s palms with sacred chrism. The newly-ordained priest then received the gifts of the people – the paten and chalice.

(Photo courtesy of Br. Frank Jasper, OFM)
The Rite of Ordination concluded with the sign of peace given by the archbishop to Br. John. The other priests present then shared a sign of peace with Br. John to welcome him into the Order of the Priesthood and its common ministry.
(Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)
Br. John and Archbishop Thompson were all smiles after Mass. Of his call to the priesthood, Br. John has said, “It took me many years to get here, to grow spiritually myself, but I needed those years to really be immersed in the Catholic world. I really believe in our Catholic faith, in God, in the Scriptures, and have a great love for the liturgy. I want to share that, to serve God and God’s people.”
(Photo courtesy of Br. Carl Langenderfer, OFM)
Br. John celebrated his first Sunday Mass as pastor of Holy Family on Aug. 25 to the great joy of the faith community who has come to know and love him during his time at the parish. He was joined in celebrating Mass by Brothers Colin King, OFM, and Provincial Councilor Roger Lopez, OFM.
Is God calling you to share your love of the Scriptures with others? Consider becoming a friar!