A day of joy and beauty: Four friars profess solemn vows
By Eileen Connelly, OSU
Under a cloudless blue sky on a beautiful summer morning, friars, family members and friends gathered at St. Clement Parish in St. Bernard (Cincinnati) to witness the faith of four brothers. In a public display of deepening their commitment to Franciscan life and serving God and his people, they professed solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Solemn profession marks the beginning of full, lifelong membership in the Order of Friars Minor and publicly affirms their personal commitment to live the Gospel values and fraternal life.
As the Aug. 24 Mass began, Provincial Minister Br. Larry Hayes, OFM, celebrant, said, “What a joyful day for us all. What a beautiful day God has given us. What a beautiful day for us as the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrating the first celebration of solemn profession.
“What a great day for us and for the four men who are going to say ‘yes’ to the Lord and to the Order for the rest of their lives."

Franciscan friars from the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe profess into St. Clement Church to celebrate as four of their brothers profess solemn vows. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

From left, Brothers Matthew Ryan, Richard Phillip, John Neuffer and Raphael Ozoude are joined by their family members for the celebration of their solemn profession. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

Friars greet one another and chat before the solemn profession Mass. (Photo courtesy of Br. Frank Jasper)
Drawn to a Gospel life
Those four men – Brothers John Neuffer, OFM, Raphael Ozoude, OFM, Richard Phillip, OFM, and Matthew Ryan, OFM – were feeling joyful themselves as they reflected on the years of prayer, discernment, study and ministry that brought to them their “yes” to God, to lives of love and service as Franciscan friars.
“It is a life that calls us to prayerfully consider how to image Jesus Christ in all that we do, and to do so in the context of community and prayer,” said Br. John. “I am excited for the future of the province and hopeful that we are open to the Holy Spirit and the needs of the Church.
“We are being given a chance to revitalize the Order in the United States, and I pray for the guidance to do what I can to help,” he added. “I believe that people are drawn to the person of Jesus, and the more authentic we are in following him, the more people will be drawn to the Gospel life that we strive to live.”
"There is something about Franciscan life that “lends itself to following the Gospel in a way that helps us draw us closer to God,” Br. Raphael added. “We are making an intentional commitment to humility and charity. We see the poor, we see all of creation, as brothers and sisters. We say, ‘I want to accompany you in your life.’ Being a real brother to someone else goes beyond charity to being part of peoples’ lives. Jesus entered into human history. He entered into life with us.”
Solemn profession “is a way for me to consummate my walk with the Lord,” he said. “I’m willing and ready to commit to and embrace the possibilities.”
“The attraction to the life is the work, working for those who can’t or are too spiritually sick to do so,” Br. Richard explained. “What our Order does well, when intentionally lived and worked for, is community living, bringing the ‘Way’ to life by living it as the first followers did in the Acts of the Apostles. When that is done with prayer and Mass, it is a powerful medicine for a community, for a person, for our world.”
For Br. Matthew, “This next step means that I have found a home. I am a brother in a family of brothers who are collectively and individually trying to live the lives God wants us to live and contribute in the ways God wants us to contribute. I want to contribute to the good in the context of faith."

From left, Brothers Matt Ryan, John Neuffer, Raphael Ozoude and Richard Phillip are called forward for the Rite of Solemn Profession. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

The brothers prostrate themselves before the altar. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

Poor Clare Sisters in attendance at solemn profession share their joy for their brothers. (Photo courtesy of Br. Frank Jasper)

Br. Larry Hayes receives the vows of Br. Matthew Ryan. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)
‘My God and my all’
At the start of his homily, Br. Larry mentioned the beginning of St. Francis’s own faith journey, at which time he reportedly prayed, “Who are you, Lord, and who am I?”
“This question launched Francis on a path of spiritual growth that was not complete until he could proclaim about Christ with his whole being, ‘My God and my all,’” Br. Larry said. “Understanding who we are and who God is will always be one of the essential tasks of initial and lifelong formation as Christians and Franciscans.
“John, Matthew, Richard and Raphael: I hope that your profession of solemn vows today is, for each of you, your declaration to Jesus Christ (along with Francis): ‘My God and my all!’” he said.
Br. Larry reminded the friars that “If we want to stay on the path that the Spirit opens for us today, we need to listen to the word of God, stay on the path, question reality, let ourselves be surprised by the Spirit who guides us, and to express with our lives the permanent newness of our charism."

From left, Brothers Mathew Ryan, John Neuffer, Provincial Minister Larry Hayes, Richard Phillip and Raphael Ozoude. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

The solemnly professed friars receive the sign of peace from their brothers. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

Br. Raphael Ozoude shares his joy with those gathered. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)

Br. John Neuffer expresses gratitude on behalf of the brothers at the end of Mass. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran)
Expressions of gratitude
As the Mass ended, Br. John offered thanks to those present for their prayers and support on behalf of the solemnly professed. “First, thank to you God, who through Jesus Christ, gives all that is good and beautiful, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to St. Joseph and all our patron saints,” he said, expressing gratitude to all who played a role in the celebration of solemn profession and their journey of faith – their classmates, formators, all of the friars, Poor Clare Sisters, family members and friends who supported and prayed for them, ministry supervisors and fellow volunteers.
“The ceremony was beautiful and will remain as a wonderful memory,” he said a few days after the Mass. “I was struggling with a measure of anxiety in the weeks leading to vows, but now I feel a great sense of peace, and even relief. I pray that in Jesus we can continue to live this life joyfully and contribute to the brothers’ work fully.”
“I’m very grateful to everyone for all of the prayers, support and encouragement that I have had along this journey,” Br. Matthew added.
What’s next for the brothers? Br. John will be moving to Philadelphia to minister at St. Francis Inn. Brothers Raphael and Matthew will be continuing their studies at Catholic Theological Union and ordained to the diaconate on Sept. 28 at St. Peter’s in the Loop in Chicago. Br. Richard plans to focus on completing his Master of Divinity of degree while discerning a call to the priesthood.
Br. Larry also thanked those present for the joyous occasion, especially the friars who have “accompanied and grown with” Brothers John, Raphael, Richard and Matt. To them, he said, “Thank you for your ‘yes’ to the Lord, to the brotherhood, to the Church.”
Is God calling you to say "yes"? Consider becoming a Franciscan friar!