How is God calling you to recognize the goodness in those around you and respond with love? 

The fourth episode of “Hold Back Nothing” invites us to embrace the Franciscan principle of haecceitas – the idea that each person is invested with unique dignity, singularly loved and wanted by God just as he or she is. Haecceitas emphasizes the absolute value and dignity of every individual and offers both the opportunity and challenge to love our brothers and sisters, especially those who are unwelcomed and unloved, and even those we may disagree with or who are inflicting injustice upon others.  

Brothers Joan Perez-Lombera (JP) and Tyler Harris, who both ministered with migrants in different cities along the border in Texas over the summer, share the experiences that invited them to prayerfully consider how they are living the Gospel and the ways their lives and Franciscan vocations are inspired by power of the Eucharist: as a unifying source of joy and encouragement, an invitation to recognize the inherent goodness in each person, and a direct encounter with Christ’s self-giving love.