Br. John Aherne talks friar life, faith on NJ podcast

By Eli Pacheco

Br. John Aherne, OFM, was a recent Beyond the Beacon podcast guest with host Bishop Kevin Sweeney of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, in an episode titled, “How Three People Responded to Their Call to Religious Life.”

He shared his discernment story and advice he would give to those considering religious vocations, friar life and more.  

“Any advice I would give (to those considering religious life) would be what Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Come and see,’” he said.

Sr. Marie Stimpfle, SCC, and Fr. Isaac Spinharney, CFR, were also guests for this episode. 

The podcast, hosted by Bishop Sweeney and Jai Agnish, Communications director of the Diocese of Paterson, has covered current events and subjects pertinent to the church in Paterson and beyond since 2023. Among the thoughts Br. John shared: 

On discerning religious life: 

“I know for a fact the friars will bend over backward and bring you in to show you what our life is like. It is so good, and we love our lives. We get such satisfaction, grace and blessings from them. We want to share it.” 

On prayer and retreat: 

“Prayer must be at the root of who we are and what we do. The world is noisy. Retreat is helpful. You step back and discover that maybe you are not doing what you should be. An honest evaluation of who you are is essential. You also need a break.” 

On friar life: 

“The best and worst things about being a Friar Minor are the other friars. At its best, we love and support each other. When I am down, someone lifts me, and vice versa. It is a wonderful community. At its worst, it challenges us to be the best people we can be.” 

The importance of family in choosing a religious vocation: 

“The strongest memory I have of my father is every morning, before he got up, he would pray, and every evening before he went to bed, he would pray. Meanwhile, my mother would be running up and down, helping all the neighbors on the block.” 

“I did not realize it then, but that laid the foundation for me.” 

Have you felt someone has helped lay a foundation for your spiritual journey? Consider walking in St. Francis’ footsteps as a friar. Learn more today.